1. Why a website?
The field of Strength and Conditioning has been changing rapidly over the last 15 years. The process of educating and coaching in college and high school has shown me how difficult it can be to stay ahead of these new challenges. I’ve learned that EDUCATION plays the key role in how effective a coach will be over the long-term. The goal of our website is to inspire others through excellent content to “Form LIFE and MOVEment Skills in Young Athletes.” The MorlandSTRENGTH team exists to expand this effort through blogging and partnering with others who care deeply about youth. You can check out the right sidebar of our BLOG page, and sign up to receive blogs by email.
2. What progress have we made so far?
Anything worthwhile takes time. We have been developing this outlet since 2013 and there has been a lot of forming and molding along the way. We started by showcasing coaching accomplishments, we then moved to creating champion moments, and now we are settling in on mentoring youth and coaches. This progress has happened with the assistance of some excellent advisors and some stellar young professionals. Together the Morland STRENGTH blogging team has addressed many relevant topics in the profession. We have tackled topics like: methodology, certifications, communication, and programming in more than 80 blogs. We gave also been joined by great partners like: 925CONCEPTS, TeamBuildr, Totten Training Systems, and Rockin’ Protein.
3. How will we grow and develop in the future?
Our focus is set on youth education (including practicing Long-Term Development for parents) with the force of mentoring young coaches. I see these two trends coming together with athlete engagement and young coaches being adequately prepared to meet them. We have changed our weekly staff meetings to focus on “mentor improvement” because we see ourselves more significantly as professionals who mentor. The process of life-change can be described as “Forming LIFE + MOVEment Skills in Young Athletes.” This idea has its origin from a presentation made in a place called “Mars Hill” in the Bible in Acts 17:28 where thinkers saw the truth and it showed others how it made a difference in real life. The results of that presentation was a paradigm shift to include a better worldview of forming LIFE first then MOVEment. Another significant truth has moved me as a coach: “For bodily discipline is only of little profit [notice it doesn’t say no profit!], but godliness is profitable for all things since it holds promise for the present life, and also for the life to come” (I Timothy 4:8). In coaching, many people are talking about transactional versus transformational coaching. At the heart of the matter is the heart itself and until that changes, the difference it makes can’t change.
4. How can MorlandSTRENGTH make a difference?
I believe educators and coaches get into this profession to make a difference. I see this through what we celebrate the most in our profession in longevity of career and the deep relationships that are forged. When I got into the profession coaching a few decathletes at the University of Tennessee, I saw my gift to use my Master’s Degree in Human Performance and knowledge of throwing javelin to make a difference. This story has continued through the years with 100’s of athletes from 30+ sports and 50+ young professionals I’ve had the privilege to learn from and invest in. At MorlandSTRENGTH we quantify the simple daily LIFE Skills that lead to simple MOVEment skills like crawling, hinging, squatting, pushing, and pulling. We are developing healthy way to express these through regular blogging topics, skill session camps, speaking engagements, and small group training. My hope is to take this unique message to the Strength and Conditioning community across Wake County, the state of North Carolina, and to others in the U.S.
5. Social media and the website?
We are seeking to engage our readers along the lines of communication they already travel. For this reason, we use Instagram, Twitter, and Google+, and are looking to develop more videos using YouTube. We also post on Strength Network and Coach Book. If you like the content, please share it with others so we can expand our reach. For me, I share for the opportunity to inspire: ”I’m stretching myself and those around me to reach their personal goals. I do this by living what I teach and coach.” So please be respectful and constructive in your feedback as this website helps all those involved to be better equiped.
Thanks so much for visiting MorlandStrength.com and please come back often to join the effort to “Form LIFE + MOVEment Skills in Young Athletes!” Many have helped me along the way. Those I’d like to recognize include: Coach Javorek, Coach Stephenson, and Coach Moffitt. Coach Moffitt told me one time,“coaching is teaching and teaching is motivating others to learn.” Be motivated and always ready for a refined approach to education and coaching! Through excellence and a change in worldview our young coaches and young athletes can be formed in our schools, our communities, and across the U.S.!
Forming LIFE + MOVEment Skills,
Chris Morland, MS, RSCC *D

Chris Morland and Tommy Moffit