Anatomy and Physiology

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This section of the website is designed to help Mr. Morland’s students in Anatomy and Physiology by providing important information and study materials.

I am an Educator and Coach at Cardinal Gibbons in my 3rd year, teaching Anatomy and Physiology and Strength and Conditioning Classes.  Previously I taught A & P at Apex High School and coached student-athletes at NC State University in many sports.  I received my undergraduate and masters degrees in Human Performance science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 1999 and 2001 respectively….Go Vols!

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and understanding of science and with my students and athletes in the classroom, on the field, and in the community.  I enjoy learning about other’s interests and passions, in hopes to bring out the very best in each person.  I hope to teach see more in my students than they see and mark the progress through “Champion Moments” in learning activities with questions answered about our world through understanding how information becomes transformational.

Interesting facts about me:

  • I have a wife Cathy and two children Ben (9) and Bethany (5)
  • I grew up in rural America on a cattle ranch in Kansas
  • I have traveled to Europe and Central America
  • I enjoy outdoor activities with my family and others
  • I have a passion to share new ways physical education curriculum can be delivered to students


Anatomy and Physiology 2016-2017 Syllabus:



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