There is about 70-80 high school, college, professional, and tactical coaches here at ETSU learning updated training techniques. The sport science program has a website:
We started out the day doing hands on sessions for Speed Development and Weightlifting for athletes. I started with weightlifting session and did the speed development second session. The afternoon has included of using GPS technology for team sports to look at optimal intensity and recovery methods.
- Weightlifting movements have many transfer effects to any athlete (strength, power, durability, increase connective tissue health, osteogenic/bone health, etc.)
- Speed Development boils down to acceleration angle (low schin angle), short contact time with the ground, and maximum force into the ground to get fast athletes.
(Picture: )
- GPS Systems are widely being used to track the progress for team
- GPS tracking for Girls Soccer and Boys soccer are different in distance covered and strength of athletes. Sprinting is a game-changer in determinating in the results of a match.
- RPE 0-10 (Rate of Perceived Exertion) is helpful in tracking internal training load for athletes. For team sports this is done by taking the intensity of the session X the duration of the session in minutes.
As an educator and coach I high recommend professional development to stay up with the recent trends for teaching and coaching well. If you are a high school coach this conference is one of the best in the nation. Next year is the 10 annual and I’d like to personally invite you to attend. If there are enough high school coaches we could have a breakout session and roundtable to discuss issues specific to the high school environment. Any questions e-mail me at or call 919-473-3542.
Thanks for reading and getting better with MorlandStrength today!