Skill Sessions
I enjoyed a lot about this camp, and I learned lots of new techniques that can be applied to all of the sports that I play. I liked the thorough demonstration of each new technique because I knew how to properly do it and safely do it. So now whenever I am working out, I’ll make sure to apply all of these techniques.
The best part of this camp at Gibbons was how much independent time we got with the coaches, and how much the technique actually helped. They gave us one-on-one time to perfect the technique, the 4 days that we got. And then we ran through a full workout which really helped me to understand how it really worked, and also, he went over how each movement can be added or implemented toward sport which made me want to use each movement even more.
5 block levels

Block 0

Designed for a 9th Grade Freshman Athlete. Fundamental life and movement skills that represent continuing independence will be emphasized in these skill sessions.

Character development, Body nutrition, Body recovery, Grit/follow-through, Time management
Movement Skills:
Crawl, Hinge, Squat, Pull-up, Push-up