Welcome to MorlandStrength.com
Thank you for visiting us, our goal is to inspire excellence and equip students with the skills needed to take action and make a difference through teaching and coaching.
“I am building champions in the classroom, on the field and in the community through my passion to teach and coach with honor, integrity, and determination.” – Chris Morland




What does MORLAND STRENGTH do? Who is it for? What are the benefits? What are the costs? How do I sign up?

Patricia Alexander
Womens Lacrosse Coach, 2016 State ChampionsCardinal Gibbons High Schoo
Thank you so much for ALL that you have done for myself and women’s lacrosse this year.

Chase Pedersen
Assistant Coach
It’s always a joy to have access to the wealth of knowledge Coach Morland possesses and it seems as though every engagement with him offers a new kernel of valuable information that I believe will further benefit my growth as a professional.

Happy Camper
7th Grade Student
My week at camp was very fun and interactive with the campers, and it showed me different skills that I need to learn for all the sports that I play, like basketball, soccer, and cheer.
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