This week we have the privilege to do our first podcast with our partner Coach Totten of East Coast Gold Weightlifting Team and founder of Totten Training Systems.  In this 35 minute podcast we have an informal chat about weightlifting certification, youth development, and the power of education using the questions below.  I enjoyed learning and growing professionally through this, and I think you will too.  Take this great information and let us know your comments below.  Our team would like to know your feedback so we can form our future blogging series!

1. What are some roots of weightlifting that are important to know as a young coach, trainer or practitioner?

2. Can you talk about how you 1st were influenced by weightlifting and how that increased your interest?

3. What pattern of problems did you recognize with novice lifters when teaching the Weightlifting Movements (WM)?

4. Do you think the problems in teaching WM has changed the last 30 years?

5. What developments in the fitness industry have helped or hurt the way weightlifting has developed?

6. In your experience where does youth weightlifting fit into the long-term development of an athlete?

7. How did Totten Training Systems begin?

8. What have been some highlights of the development of Totten Training Systems?

9. In your travels and certification training do you see youth Weightlifting growing?

10. Where you feel youth weightlifting can advance in the Raleigh/Durham area?


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